Welcome to My Path of Self Discovery

We've all seen it before (on movies, or in novels): a teenager facing conflict, role confusion, rebellion, eventually overcoming the conflict and reaching enlightenment....self discovery. My code name is Susanne Dey I wish to blog semi- anonymous, those of you who know me try not to blow my cover mmmm? Those of you who don't know me well it's a pleasure to finally meet you (hehehehe). This blog will consist of daily entries of whatever is in my head, on my heart, or in my fist. I'm a freelance photographer and will include a photo per day. I will not fully explain who I am or what I am born to just yet (not in this post at least) that explanation will come out on it's own little by little. I am looking forward to blogging my daily activities, even if it's just for my eyes, but for those of you reading: welcome to my path to self enlightenment.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cheek Piercings!!!! blog entry number one

Happy one month birthday to my CHEEK PIERCINGS!!! I wish I would have thought to make a blog when I first got them done because BOY were they an adventure!! I got them done March 12 2011 I bused there with my brother and his fiancĂ©e, my mum and dad finally caved in after 3 years of nagging. I went into Universal Tattoos in Downtown Ottawa (they are great!) and got them done. on a scale of 1-10 the pain was a 3 (mild discomfort) one side (the side with the dimple) bled and the other was a piece of cake! I swelled up instantly and looked like a chipmunk.....

ewwww.... I know hehehehe I have more pictures of my honeymoon period before all the piercing drama

So as you can see they stuck out, my mum hated that! I remember she used to say things like "serves you right for shoving two bones in  your cheeks" and it used to drive me crazy! after about 3 weeks I came home to home made apple pie and I was starving! so I took a bite and CRUNCH I bit on the bioplast flat back and it broke I had to beg my parents to drive me downtown and they finally did when I got there this new piercer decided to put a really short post on and of course my cheek swelled up and was in the process of swallowing up my jewelry that night I had the worst fever and my piercing was hot too touch. My face was soo sore(8 compared to the 3 for piercing :S) and my ears were red hahahahaha so that morning I went and got them exchanged to longer ones. They got infected and I had to treat them 

infected piercing notice discoloration its shiny from the polysporin

they were going great until I bit them again eating a snickers bar my dad was mad that he had to drive me I got them replaced and the piercer (my original that pierced me) put in shorter ones so I don't bite them I swelled up and skipped class the next day to get them replaced this time I got them shortened but not to short. So far the only problem I have with my piercings is the long post, hopefully after 3 months i'll get them shortened x) now here is the most important part... the advice and info

OK first of all make sure you 100% want these little suckers like long term (not just a year or so) because they may leave heavy duty scars (we're talking discoloration, holes,keloid scars and "the mysterious bump"). These piecing are not for you if you have bad skin that scars quickly, if you have sensitive skin, if your god made dimples are behind the first molar(the further back you go the more chances you have to hitting blood vessels, salivary glands and all that good stuff) and if you have/ plan to work a professional job.

Make sure you have a professional piercer feel free to ask to speak to them directly ask about the hygiene, the experience, and whether they use a flash light (to see where the vessels and stuff are)

MAKE SURE YOU BABY THESE PIERCINGS AND TAKE GOOOOOOOD CARE OF THEM!!!!!! the more care you put into them the more pleasant healing you will obtain (healing 3-6 months to 2-3 years)
-non alcoholic Listerine for the first two weeks after everything you eat excluding bottled water (after don't use as more than twice a day as it may cause a yeast infection)
-Sea salt (if you have a slight infection where the lymph is yellow to green do a warm sea salt in shot glass for 5 minutes on 5 off etc.)
-polysporin ointment for 3 days if infected
-CHAMOMILE TEA!! oh my gosh this is a miracle for piercings the redness goes away and it soothes 

a bit of advice:
refrain from drinking milk the first 3 weeks (yeast infection)
put lots of pillows sleeping (head above your heart) to minimize nightly swelling
advil heavy duty pills for swelling
don't put makeup on it- like NOWHERE near it (I've been proudly sporting discoloured circles on my face for a month now)
careful while dressing and undressing (don't pull it)
don't use straws or make fishy faces first 3 weeks
don't play around with the jewelry 
no sexual oral contact of any kind!!!
change your pillow case or wash it every week there's sooo much bacteria living on that! it's good for your skin as well- you won't break out!
don't bite your jewelry -__-

these piercings are great, they just need a passionate person and a heavy duty cleaning routine I use the above medication bactine (two sprays every hour)
I'll post more details ;)

Smiles, love and laughter
Susanne Dey


  1. I have my cheeks pierced but when i went and got them done, the guy put really small cheek rings in and he didnt tell me how to clean then so needless to say my face was so swollen the cheek rings vanished into my face!! Its almost been a year and they still act up, ive been looking for longer cheek rings but where i live they dont have any.... Do you have any advice for me??

    1. Go online and order you one. Do your research on what you need.

  2. Been a pier er for 11 years... And attend APP conferences all the time. DON'T PUT OINTMENT OF ANY KIND ON YOUR PIERCINGS..it attracts dirty and bacteria leaving u more open for infection...DON'T PUT ANYTHING ON YOUR PIERCINGS THAT YOU WOULDN'T PUT IN YOUR EYES...saline. Only. And the Dairy thing is a myth. Dairy products have a healthy bacteria called probiotics which help healing. Please research info more before advising others. If your not a surgeon, don't give surgical advice.

    1. To queen of steel, I got my checks pierced about a week ago. I've been riding with crest and antibacterial soap twice a day on outside. I think I still caught an infection because I have puss leakin on both piercings. I clean it away with hot water on a q-tip but it doesn't seem to be getting any better.. Any tips you can give?
