Welcome to My Path of Self Discovery

We've all seen it before (on movies, or in novels): a teenager facing conflict, role confusion, rebellion, eventually overcoming the conflict and reaching enlightenment....self discovery. My code name is Susanne Dey I wish to blog semi- anonymous, those of you who know me try not to blow my cover mmmm? Those of you who don't know me well it's a pleasure to finally meet you (hehehehe). This blog will consist of daily entries of whatever is in my head, on my heart, or in my fist. I'm a freelance photographer and will include a photo per day. I will not fully explain who I am or what I am born to just yet (not in this post at least) that explanation will come out on it's own little by little. I am looking forward to blogging my daily activities, even if it's just for my eyes, but for those of you reading: welcome to my path to self enlightenment.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can anybody find me....Somebody to love

#4 Today I Learned.....
That I miss being loved by a significant other.....
RANDOM: Love these Shoes! so vintage!
Have you ever had those times when you wished you had someone to love? Someone who loves you and cares for you as you do to him/her. Have you ever longed for someone to embrace you from behind and just rest their chin on your shoulder? It's the worse feeling in the world : unrequited love, rejection, loneliness yet it's the most common feelings any of us have. We are all afraid to be alone and face what this world has to offer in solitude. I miss having someone to care for and support, I miss having a deep sexy male voice at the other end of my phone, and I miss falling asleep talking to my man. I have the I-miss-my-Joshua-why-won't-he-talk-to-me blues :'(
Do you think he's thinking and missing me as much as I do to him? (My brother says he doesn't and that he's probably sitting on his ass watching the Royal Wedding with tea and crumpets...stereotypical I know).
Oh Joshua you are my weakness and my flaw.......

My advice to you my lonely. unrequited, rejected, confused,semi-single, or single blog readers is to stay strong, have self respect and be true to yourself don't be no fool when love really don't love you

Alive and Well in Canada (Barely surviving immense heartache)

Susanne Dey

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