Welcome to My Path of Self Discovery

We've all seen it before (on movies, or in novels): a teenager facing conflict, role confusion, rebellion, eventually overcoming the conflict and reaching enlightenment....self discovery. My code name is Susanne Dey I wish to blog semi- anonymous, those of you who know me try not to blow my cover mmmm? Those of you who don't know me well it's a pleasure to finally meet you (hehehehe). This blog will consist of daily entries of whatever is in my head, on my heart, or in my fist. I'm a freelance photographer and will include a photo per day. I will not fully explain who I am or what I am born to just yet (not in this post at least) that explanation will come out on it's own little by little. I am looking forward to blogging my daily activities, even if it's just for my eyes, but for those of you reading: welcome to my path to self enlightenment.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Goodbye Fear and Nervousness, Hello Success!!

#1. TODAY I LEARNED....That through perseverance, great things are achieved and fears are overcome.

Don't you just hate all the work that has to be put into Senior Year?? Oh my gosh it's insane all the hours we put hunched over the computer screen trying to get an essay done- I suspect it can only get worse next year! I literally spent 6+ hours continuously hunched over my laptop screen yesterday. By the time I was done my back felt as if it was run over by a train! Don't get me wrong I love a challenge as much as the next chick but putting together that presentation was grueling work! Do not mistake this for complaining I'm just simply stating the obstacles I had to face in order to present my ISU/SUMMATIVE (canadian school curriculum in case you are wondering). My presentation was about Death and Grieving which is a very touchy subject for me (as I'm sure it is for most of you), my uncle (25) got into a car accident a year and a half ago and my family is still grieving for our loss. So as you can imagine I was trying to keep things light (but not insensitive...at least I hope) I was relying more on my videos than my information so I got up there ( I have a major fear of public speaking) and I started discussing death. The videos I chose was a clip from Girl Interrupted, Up, and Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper" (which are all great and highly recommended by the way) I also had one of those screamer videos at the end of my presentation. It was great!! I put some pictures of flowers, sunsets etc. and talked about what people go through when grieving near the end I said "but eventually"(cue the blood curling scream) death grabs you... And I swear the room burst into a screaming fit!! I died of laughter at their reaction!! Mostly because they had frightened me with their scream to the extent that my knees were knocking and I had to put my leg on the chair to conceal them (sad I know the pranker gets karma hehehehe). All in all it was a great presentation despite my complications ( the printer was not working and the projector was acting up for a good 30 minutes) ,though I could of been better. Hopefully that will keep me at my 90 average for midterms. I remember at one point of my presentation I bit on my cheek piercing it killed!! When I got home I started on my Avon sale on the computer, got that halfway done for tomorrow and rounded up the cash. I even made a facebook group dedicated to my business and up loaded a bunch of long awaited pictures x) Hooray for perseverance, hooray for screamers and hooray for success!!! I'm going to treat myself to a Tim Horton's berry smoothie with yogurt or mango bubble tea with extra tapioca pearls (again both HIGHLY recommended YUM!) I got to go with my mum to the hospital tomorrow she's pregnant and the doctors told her she has an increased chance of a down syndrome baby. She is going to get the needle just to make sure I'm going with her because my mum doesn't speak so much english and since I'm born in Canada I have to translate english into arabic for her. We are all very nervous :( I'll tell you how that goes tomorrow...
Through the obstacles,grief, and heartache it is important to continue on with perseverance because what does not kill you only makes you stronger...that is my daily advice for you ;)

My Death and Grieving binder  LOOOL ;)

Cordially Yours,
Susanne Dey <3

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