Welcome to My Path of Self Discovery

We've all seen it before (on movies, or in novels): a teenager facing conflict, role confusion, rebellion, eventually overcoming the conflict and reaching enlightenment....self discovery. My code name is Susanne Dey I wish to blog semi- anonymous, those of you who know me try not to blow my cover mmmm? Those of you who don't know me well it's a pleasure to finally meet you (hehehehe). This blog will consist of daily entries of whatever is in my head, on my heart, or in my fist. I'm a freelance photographer and will include a photo per day. I will not fully explain who I am or what I am born to just yet (not in this post at least) that explanation will come out on it's own little by little. I am looking forward to blogging my daily activities, even if it's just for my eyes, but for those of you reading: welcome to my path to self enlightenment.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dimple piercing diary entry #3 Infected where?!??

First off, I promised myself that I would document every thing that happens concerning my dimple piercings (even if its VERY unladylike) so please excuse everything I am about to say. (this may not be for readers with weak stomachs- though it's not too bad). YOU ARE WARNED.....

I woke up this morning with an awful taste in my mouth (It was like something crawled in my mouth and died TWO YEARS AGO!) I am very hygienic and take very good care of my teeth, I take pride in saying I brush three times daily. So when I brushed my teeth and started spitting I noticed that my spit was BLACK. Then it hit me! OH MY GOSH, I haven't been cleaning the inside of my mouth! I'm soo stupid!

Bioplast flat backs the are bent because I bite on them sometimes :S

long story short:

I gargled with warm salt water on the inside of my piercings (I held the water with my cheeks for five minutes)
and did the same with chamomile tea.

so to those of you who are (or thinking) about sharing my adventure with these piercings keep this in mind (though I know that most of you are probably not as stupid as me) 

These piercings are not only temperamental but you must understand that they count as four piercings
2 facial (outside of cheeks) and
2 oral (in mouth)

you follow?

"so as the night the day" you must understand that you need to clean the inside as well as out unless you want to have a nasty infection.

Remember, Piercing pals, that Salt water is YOUR BEST FRIEND. Be loyal and loving to your salt water regime and happy healthy piercings will follow =)

Sincerely yours,

Susanne Dey 

P.S. If you do happen to have an infection in your mouth,

(symptoms being nasty taste discoloured spit/lymph and the feeling of tenderness you might also notice a ring of discolouration near your flat backs)

refrain from eating anything spicy, diary or any kind of carbohydrate liquid (coke, rockstar, flavoured water etc.)

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