Welcome to My Path of Self Discovery

We've all seen it before (on movies, or in novels): a teenager facing conflict, role confusion, rebellion, eventually overcoming the conflict and reaching enlightenment....self discovery. My code name is Susanne Dey I wish to blog semi- anonymous, those of you who know me try not to blow my cover mmmm? Those of you who don't know me well it's a pleasure to finally meet you (hehehehe). This blog will consist of daily entries of whatever is in my head, on my heart, or in my fist. I'm a freelance photographer and will include a photo per day. I will not fully explain who I am or what I am born to just yet (not in this post at least) that explanation will come out on it's own little by little. I am looking forward to blogging my daily activities, even if it's just for my eyes, but for those of you reading: welcome to my path to self enlightenment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#6 Dimple Piercing Diary..... 2 months and a half.... IMPROVEMENT! still infected though

    It has now been two months and a half since I got my dimples pierced and boy has it been an adventure! I've been cleaning them and making sure I don't bite on them when I eat. I was looking at them in the mirror this morning and it seems like they are finally starting to heal up, I was ecstatic! my "problem piercing" used to be my left side (it was the side that bled during piercing and the one with the god made dimple), but these days it's been my right. Although the white bumps are still there, I am happy to report that they have reduced in size and my face does not feel as tight anymore (knock on wood, knowing my luck I'll probably jinx myself hehehehe). I know most of you that are reading my piercing posts already have them pierced and are looking for someone to relate to, or are researching the subject wondering whether you will make the decision that would esthetically and generally change your life with things such as...

1. first of all, to state the obvious, your face will swell up real bad not to mention you will have sticks coming out of your cheeks for a period of time. you must also understand that your piercings won't be looking the way you pictured, as you are still healing. It will much better at the end result- be patient.

2. THEY ARE A PAIN IN THE ASSS! If you don't plan on sticking to your cleaning routine RELIGIOUSLY (that means no smoking, no drinking, no spicy food, little milk, multi vitamins, and a healthy diet) then you should definitely think twice before paying big bucks for these little suckers and ultimately jeaportizing your face.... jus sayin

3. THEY WILL change your face shape drastically! I don't if its just me and it seems like its common sense but my face swelled up like a balloon the first month, when it finally swelled down it didn't go back to what it was like before. which means I now have to use bronzer on my chin and cheeks to create the illusion of a thin face.

4. Those of you who absolutely cannot leave the house without putting on a thick wall of foundation, blush, highlighter, bronzers and all that jazz (not that there's anything wrong with it i'm guilty of such) don't expect to be following the same beauty routine. When I first got it done I made sure I pierced them during March Break I didn't wear make up for a week. I used to be this cleansing fanatic where I'd cleanse my face, put on masks and stuff but I couldn't do that. My face was a mess I got acne and my skin was flacking off (though I believe it's from the swelling). I couldn't sleep, I fainted the second night because I wasn't eating right and I had very low iron. If you really love these piercings you'll work around the obstacles and find ways to compromise.

5. I say this a lot: If you are only getting these piercings solely for the purpose of getting dimples, please don't. They cost a lot (I spent close to $350 so far), you won't be able to stick to the routine, 4/5 people take them out by their first infection. It's too much of a bother (you have to worry about cleaning, infections, talking too much, laughing too much, smiling too much, not having oral contact with boyfriends and such, bleeding, discoloration, scars, blemishes, cheek swallowing ball etc. etc. etc.) and you won't be as passionate for them to have the patience.

I'm not saying I know everything, I'm just trying to benefit others through my experience so far. I know when I was in my researching phase I wished I had a blog to read about it, that way the information wasn't scattered.

If you have any questions I'll be happy to try to help just get at me
or if your lazy and don't want to/ have a blogspot account send the word by email at eman.h1992@hotmail.com. I will keep posting

Happy Healing

Susanne Dey.

P.S change your pillow sheet weekly and sleep with a ton of pillows :D

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